Friday, April 22, 2011

CD 24

So most people have a 28 day cycle...not this girl. I take hCG trigger shots on CD24. I had another ultrasound this morning. Left ovary is the winner this cycle- she has produced two beautiful follicles- one size 19 and one size 20. The follicles had to be at least an 18 to proceed with the IUI. The right ovary must have decided she had enough growth this cycle because her follicles were still the same size they were on Wednesday- almost a 15.
I knew things must look good immediately because of the smile on AM's face when she was doing the ultrasound. I felt like we were going to be ready to roll because of the "movement" I have felt in my ovaries the last couple of days.
So what does all of this mean? Well we are scheduled to do the IUI tomorrow, Saturday, April 23. AM and I shared a couple high fives and a hug because my ovaries decided to participate this month- after much coaxing and celebrating that insurance was now covering all of the ultrasounds 100 percent. She also reminded me- as is her duty- that even with two great looking follicles we still have to get sperm and egg to meet and get along and then implant in the beautiful uterine lining. I am still hesitantly optimistic about the success of this cycle. We would be thrilled if just one of the eggs was fertilized and we got a baby but if both were...well let's not get ahead of ourselves.
After the insemination tomorrow we have a two week wait before we can find out if we had success or not. Your prayers on our behalf would be greatly appreciated during this two week wait.

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Melissa - lots of warm thoughts and prayers coming your way today. Crossing fingers, toes and everything else for this IUI!
