This morning I woke up to an unexpected and unwelcome reminder that I have a reflexology final tonight....ooops I thought it was a review for the final on Friday in Massage Basics. Luckily, I'm still not working so I have been able to spend most of the day studying and I think I will do well. It is a two part final. The first part is a written test and the second part is hands on. Since I know where the reflexes are located on the feet the hands on should go really well.
Tomorrow night is the review night for massage basics and I'm glad because I need a massage.
Wednesday is the anatomy final and we are having a review session tonight in about 30 minutes with our TA, Sarah. This girl knows her stuff about anatomy. It also helps that I was able to actually see the bodies in cadaver lab last week at the U. I'm so glad we are able to have access to that...even though it did freak me out the first time we went.
Say a little prayer for me to remember the things that I have studied and to do well on finals.
Until next time...
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